The price of tipping goes up to 50%, post covid.


The price of tipping goes up to 50%, post covid.

I just finished reading a New York Post article on how your 20% tip at your favorite restaurant just wont cut it anymore. People are now tipping 50% in New York restaurants.

Affluent customers are tipping up to 50% more than they did pre-pandemic, nearly two-dozen owners, managers, waitstaff and customers told The Post. A flush handful of diners have even dropped C-notes like dinner mints on flabbergasted waiters, they added.

So as you can see Covid has changed peoples tipping habits already. As the article continues we can see tipping is going up for everything.

Many restaurant mavens who previously tipped 20% said they now tip between 30 and 40% — a range that came up repeatedly in our unscientific poll.

Restaurant-lover Adam Richman, 30, the founder of production company Medium Rare, which created the Gronk Beach music festival starring Super Bowl hero Rob Gronkowski, said: “On average I’m tipping 30%. I used to tip 20%. In some of my regular places I find myself tipping 40 to 50%. I find myself giving more to coat-check staff and bathroom attendants, too.”

So the next time you eat out dont be surprised if people arent happy with your 15 or 20% tip.

Go here for the full article.

Go here for the video version of article.
